

Record Tempratures and Record early production

by Don 3/3/2024 1:53:00 PM

The month of February was the warmest on record since official records began for the Twin Cities. We have had occasional nights of near freezing temperatures so the trees are stimulated to produce sap that day. We notice, however, that the volumes diminish after a couple nights of this. We have made over 15 barrels of syrup in a time period that we typically don‘t even collect sap!

Today’s temperature is nearly 70 degrees so we are processing it as fast as our equipment will allow so that the sap will not degrade in quality.At these temperatures you should process the same day as collected unless you have a way to cool down the sap like we do with refrigerated bulk tanks.

We hope that the meteorologist is correct that we will have a string of sub freezing nights so that the trees can recharge and produce more sap. We shall see!