

2017 Season is finished!

by Mary 4/4/2017 10:22:00 AM

With the earliest start of maple syruping in February, we ended March 31 with a grand total of 544 gallons of delicious maple syrup. A new record for Somerskogen Sugarbush has been set! Every year has been highly anticipated and a bit mysterious - never knowing how the various weather factors would affect the sap flow. We were not disappointed this year! 

The maple buds began to swell a few days ago, and this means the season is over.  Though the sap will continue to flow, there is a chemical change in the sap and it would impart an "off-flavor" to maple syrup.  So, the season is over, cleaning begins, as well as bottling for orders.

Feel free to call (612-860-4403)or email us ( to reserve your supply of the 2017 allotment. If you prefer to pickup your order and avoid shipping charges, that can be easily arranged. You can still pay online and we'll refund the calculated shipping costs.