Denouement: the resolution of a doubtful series of occurrences.
This defines the most disappointing season of the 19 we have experienced at Somerskogen.
Profound drought, followed by unprecedented heat for March, resulted in a meager collection of sap. While the quality of syrup we produced was excellent, it had only the characteriestics of a dark amber syrup, . . . deep robust maple flavor. This year we didn't produce any light or medium amber syrup.
We spent hundreds of hours in preparation for this season, but only 20 hours producing our entire crop for 2012! It is sad when more time is spent cleaning the equipment than making syrup.
Our production sold out quickly and we are disappointed that we've been unable to fill all the requests that have come in. We are taking the optimistic approach of preparing for next year by developing expansion plans to add over 250 taps! We hope to get to 1000 taps in 2013 so our production meets the demand.
Our experience has been duplicated throughout Minnesota, Wisconisin and many of the eastern states. Mother Nature always prevails!
Check our website frequently as we document our expansion progress.