The past several days have been excellent weather for sap flow. We have collected and processed thousands of gallons of sap. On Friday, we made 75 gallons of maple syrup, which is a new record for us. We were excited that much of this syrup was light amber, making it suitable for making maple cream. Hopefully we will have our first batch of cream made next weekend. We have been out of maple cream for quite a while, which has been difficult. For those who have tasted maple cream (which is really just maple syrup concentrated into a spreadable form, sort of like whipped honey), it is a treat that is hard to go without.
It appears that the weather this week will be good early in the week and then turn marginal for sap production after Wednesday. This is because the overnight low temperatures are not expected to drop below freezing. However, with the vacuum pump we should still be able to get some sap flow. We are hoping to be making syrup for at least a couple more weeks, but there is no way to predict how long the sap will continue to flow.