

Amazing sap flows!

by Don 4/6/2014 8:52:00 AM

The last four days have delivered a continuous run of sap like we've never seen at Somerskogen.  The crisp nights in the mid-20's, followed by a rapid rise to the 40's has resulted in sap production of over 1 1/2 to 2 gallons per tap, per day! The Reverse Osmosis machine ,which takes out 75% of the water in the sap,  has kept us from running out of storage capacity. We have been emptying the collection tank in the lower woods up to 4 times /day.

A few more days appear favorable to decent sap production before sustained warm weather slows down production.  There is still plenty of snow in the woods, so time will tell what happens with sap flows. We'll wait and see!

"Swimming in Sap"

by Don 4/4/2014 3:26:00 AM

The long awaited "great run", which we use to describe sap flows of greater than 1.5 gallon per tap in a 24 hour period, arrived twice this week, providing a test of coordination and management of our systems.

The result has been rapid processing and outstanding quality syrup.  Anticipation remains high for outstanding flows this weekend.

We have plenty of syrup for sale in a variety of bottle sizes.  Think spring and enjoy nature's gift from the maple trees.

2014 Season Preparations Are Complete!

by Don 3/16/2014 3:19:00 PM

  Having weathered one of the snowiest and coldest winters, team Somerskogen has prevailed!  Portions of the sugarbush had thigh high snow, that even snowshoes could not keep us afloat! Three days were required to place 1000 taps.  A slow thaw is hoped for so the moisture can remain in the forest and not run into the lake.

   We are optimistic that this season has the potential to be one of our best   . .  . and so we wait.  Check back for further updates!