The above is a Norwegian toast to the sun that our family has done over the years before going out fishing, skiing, or various family events.
Today is a perfect day for the salute! The bright sun, without a cloud in the sky, is piercing through all parts of our forest, and waking up the maple trees for what will be our last weekend of the 2020 maple syrup season.. The future forecast predicts weather in the 60's next week- nice to be outside, but easy spoiling of sap with such warm weather.
On March 31st we shattered our previous record of 545 gallons of syrup set 3 seasons ago. We anticipate making another 40-60 gallons of delicious syrup tomorrow, and/or the next day. We have made the first Dark Robust syrup of the season as the warmer days have encouraged microbial action on the sucrose sugar to break it down to glucose and fructose. These two sugars caramelize easier and impart not only darker color, but stronger maple flavor.
As I write this note, it is 22° outside, but projected to hit 46° this afternoon. The flow should be prolific today and tomorrow. We have enjoyed having this hobby during the "Stay at home" period and the cleanup in the sugarbush will consume at least an additional week of activity.
We hope all remain safe and healthy as we adjust to this "new normal".
For those interested, here is our family's accepted translation of the Norwegian soliloquy:
The sun is up
The sun is up, it's a clear day
The rooster greets with flapping wing
Up with the banner, all hands to the work,
All together,