


by Don 2/28/2016 11:06:00 AM

The record setting warmth of 58 degrees on Saturday allowed sap flows of over 1 gallon/tap. By Peter's and my agreed upon scale, this is a "good" sap flow.  If the flow had reached more than 1.5 gallons/tap, we would have been in Trump territory of "Great!" sap flow.

The Reverse Osmosis has allowed us to complete the boil in 4 hours instead of 12!  We produced 15 gallons of medium amber syrup ("amber rich" by the new grade designation).

It is a delight to sample the first returns from the sugarbush.

The next few days look too cold for sap flow, but warmer temps are forecasted for the end of the week. We're always optimistic in the sugarbush and hoping for   terrific flows to yield syrup.